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for your Year B educational requirement.

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Brain on Fire: Quenching Neuroinflammation with Natural Therapies

Simon Agger, DC, CNS | Jennifer Stagg, ND | Christopher Bump, DC, MS | Mimi Hernandez, MS, RH | Joanne Boyd, Adv. Dip. Nat.

October 18, 2024

While acute low-level inflammation in the central nervous system is protective,chronic inflammation can lead to serious long-term health consequences. Neuroinflammation plays a role inthe development of conditions like multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. Trauma,metabolic dysfunction, drugs, toxins, pathogens, and the aging process can fuel the inflammatory fire.Our expert clinicians will review the physiology of neuroinflammation and discuss natural therapies that havethe potential to keep the inflammatory process in check. Learn how to address this important issue in yourpatients with easily accessible tools and practices.


1. Understand the normal physiology of the central nervous system including the protective role of low-levelinflammation.

2. Learn the mechanisms of chronic inflammation in the central nervous system including key triggers,relationship with other body systems, and pathophysiological processes.

3. Learn about common sequelae of neuroinflammatory processes including cognitive, mood, andneurodegenerative conditions.

4. Review therapeutic strategies to balance inflammatory processes and support nervous system health.

Synchronous Webinar


Menopause and the Musculoskeletal System: Optimizing Female Function

Annette Schippel, DC

September 7, 2024 | September 21, 2024

To Register/For More Information: Nancy Morrow Telephone: 262-495-6364 Email:

It is common knowledge that women have an increased riskof osteoporosis after menopause and an increase in sarcopenia. Despite this risk, whatsteps can she take to improve her overall vitality? How can the HCP support her as sheages? It turns out that there is a lot we can do to help her. But first we need tounderstand how to look at bone markers and to expand our testing to include the steroidhormone family and functional blood chemistry. She needs to have more choices thanthe standard pharmaceutical drugs that are offered now. Key herbs and nutrition to buildhealthy bones, muscles and connective tissue will be explored during this presentation tohelp the HCP make the best decision for their patient.LEARNING OBJECTIVES:1. Basic understanding of healthy bones and risk factors for osteoporosis.2. The role of the steroid hormone family for bone health.3. Test interpretation related to hormones and bone health.4. The importance of reducing inflammation, improved microcirculation, andexercise for the post-menopausal female.

Lake Mary, FL | Baton Rouge, LA


Neuro-Navigator: Charting the Course of Brain and Cognition

Kimberly Besuden, DC

October 12, 2024 | October 19, 2024 | November 2, 2024 | November 9, 2024

To Register/For More Information: Nancy Morrow Telephone: 262-495-6364 Email:

To increase the doctors’ knowledge base on the positivepromotion of lifestyle to patients while addressing nutritional deficiencies related tobrain health and cognition. Demonstrate clinical options available to provide support forthe improvement of brain and cardiometabolic health and healthy aging. Additionally,provide testing protocols for pre and post supplementation to support brain health.LEARNING OBJECTIVES:1. To present the problem of nutritional deficiencies involved in neural pathwaysand healthy aging in our current environment that may affect brain health.2. To make information accessible concerning utilization of whole foodsupplementation, proper lifestyle for wellness and dietary choices to promote ahealthy cognition.3. The use of nutritional supplementation to restore, repair and renew the humansystemic system by incorporation of patient education to support a healthyneuro system and a healthy aging process.4. To increase the doctors’ knowledge base on the positive promotion of lifestyle topatients while addressing nutritional deficiencies related to brain health.

Tampa, FL | Albuquerque, NM | St. Louis, MO | Brentwood, TN


Post-Infection Syndrome: Autoimmunity, Fatigue & Oxidative Stress

Dr. Brett Wisniewski

September 7, 2024

To Register/For More Information:

This seminar will present a comprehensive overview of post-infectious syndrome, delving into its intricate relationship with autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue, and oxidative stress. Dr. Wisniewski will explore the emerging scientific and clinical evidence suggesting that post-infectious syndrome may trigger or exacerbate molecular mechanisms that lead to more chronic issues such as autoimmune disease, molecular mimicry, bystander activation, and dysregulation of our innate anti-inflammatory response hormones.

The discussion will include an examination of how infections can lead to persistent inflammation oxidative load, and they contribution to chronic fatigue.

McLean, VA

8 CE

Optimizing Patient Nutrient Status for Whole Body Health

Dr. Jeff Lavell

April 6, 2024 |April 27, 2024 | October 19, 2024 | November 2, 2024

To Register/For More Information: Nancy MorrowTelephone: 262-495-6364Email:

Whole foods nutritional solutions offer a significant advantage in mitigating nutrient deficiency and optimizing metabolic health. Nutritional interventions address dietary gaps and provide critical phytochemicals, micronutrients, and antioxidants that influence cellular pathways such as Nrf-2 and the ubiquitous endocannabinoid system. In this educational seminar, Dr. Jeff Lavell will
detail the advantages of whole food nutrition in supporting systemic health through nutrient pathway optimization with an emphasis on key nutrients and compounds that influence diverse cellular

Trumbull, CT | Saratoga Springs, NY | Toledo, OH | Denver, CO

4 CE

Advances in Managing Inflammation and Endothelial Health

Simon Agger, DC

February 24, 2024 | April 6, 2024 | June 1, 2024 |October 5, 2024 | November 9, 2024

To Register/For More Information: Nancy MorrowTelephone: 262-495-6364


Join Simon Agger, DC as he discusses the latest emerging advances in managing inflammation & vascular
health in this peer-referenced, clinically relevant 4-hour CE class. Using Advanced Applied Clinical
Nutrition, dietary, herbal & manual medicine interventions, Dr. Agger addresses many maladies that we
commonly see in patients, with pertinent lab tests, clinical protocols, peer reviewed literature, historical
antecedents, and clinical innovations. This seminar will also include additional Case Studies, protocol
design & implication, practice management, many Clinical pearls and Q&A ‘s.

Spokane, WA | Henderson, NV | Boise, ID | Santa Monica, CA | Overland Park, KS

4 CE

EPIC Functional Medicine Conference

Jill Carnahan. Mark Houston, Lindsey Berkson*, Jack Wolfson, Pamela Smith, Jennifer Stagg

September 4-6, 2024

To Register:

Sponsored by Biotics.

The three day confrernce covers Cardiovascular Health, Gut Health, and Hormone Health from industry leading speakers.

Sugar Land, TX

12 CE

Unravelling the Connection Between Blood Sugar and Metabolism

Annette Schippel, DC

April 4, 2024

To Register/For More Information: Nancy MorrowTelephone: 262-495-6364


There is a deep connection between our endocrine hormones, blood sugar and a healthy metabolism. Itcan be said that hormones are stronger than any diet and mood. And energy follows blood sugar. Thismeans the support we offer is not always so obvious and we have to take a broader look at what is goingon. Our goal is to help our patients before they get into trouble, and to provide nutritional and herbalsupport for health and wellness.

Learning Objectives:

Analyze the intricate interplay between endocrine hormones, blood sugar regulation, and metabolichealth to understand the basic science underlying the significance for maintaining overall well-being.

Evaluate a patient's comprehensive health history, identifying potential red flags related to sleeppatterns, dietary habits, physical activity, immune system function, and stress management to assesstheir holistic health status.

Apply a variety of diagnostic tools, including blood labs, saliva testing, and physical indicators, to collectand interpret relevant data for a patient's health assessment, allowing for targeted nutritional support.

Create evidence-based support protocols tailored to support individual patient needs for hormones,blood sugar regulation, and metabolism, utilizing the insights gained from the comprehensive healthhistory and diagnostic assessments.

Synthesize knowledge and insights gained from case examples to develop effective strategies forproactive health management, emphasizing the importance of early intervention and support related to hormonal imbalances, blood sugar issues, and metabolism.

Salt Lake City, UT

4 CE

Unraveling the Connection Between Blood Sugar and Metabolism

Annette Schippel, DC

April 6, 2024

To Register/For More Information: Nancy MorrowTelephone: 262-495-6364


There is a deep connection between our endocrine hormones, blood sugar and a healthy metabolism. It
can be said that hormones are stronger than any diet and mood. And energy follows blood sugar. This
means the support we offer is not always so obvious and we have to take a broader look at what is going
on. Our goal is to help our patients before they get into trouble, and to provide nutritional and herbal
support for health and wellness.

Learning Objectives:
Analyze the intricate interplay between endocrine hormones, blood sugar regulation, and metabolic
health to understand the basic science underlying the significance for maintaining overall well-being.
Evaluate a patient's comprehensive health history, identifying potential red flags related to sleep
patterns, dietary habits, physical activity, immune system function, and stress management to assess
their holistic health status.
Apply a variety of diagnostic tools, including blood labs, saliva testing, and physical indicators, to collect
and interpret relevant data for a patient's health assessment, allowing for targeted nutritional support.
Create evidence-based support protocols tailored to support individual patient needs for hormones,
blood sugar regulation, and metabolism, utilizing the insights gained from the comprehensive health
history and diagnostic assessments.
Synthesize knowledge and insights gained from case examples to develop effective strategies for
proactive health management, emphasizing the importance of early intervention and support related to
hormonal imbalances, blood sugar issues, and metabolism.

Salt Lake City, UT

4 CE

Putting Therapeutic Botanicals into Practice: Spotlight on Blood Sugar Regulation

Dr. Marisa Marciano, ND, RH

April 20, 2024

To Register/For More Information: Nancy MorrowTelephone: 262-495-6364Email:

Take an herbal deep-dive and strengthen your knowledge regarding the clinical applications of a selection of key botanicals, nutrition, and lifestyle to support healthy blood sugar levels related to overall health.In this seminar practitioners will be provided a thorough review of botanicals with a long history of traditional use as well emerging scientific data to support their therapeutic applications in the management blood glucose metabolism - as it relates to overall health and wellness.Herbs that have demonstrated beneficial effects in supporting healthy blood sugar metabolism such as Fenugreek, Bitter Melon, Cinnamon, Black Cumin Seed, Phellodendron (berberine), Gymnema, Milk Thistle, Korean ginseng and Licorice will be explored using an evidence-informed approach to applying safe and effective herbal protocols in a clinical setting.Detailed information on each herb will be provided including botany, pharmacology, dosing, safety profile and potential herb-drug interactions.


• Build clinician’s confidence for integrating herbs into nutrition protocols related to supporting healthy blood sugar levels for overall health.• Review traditional applications and emerging research updates in relation to herbal hypoglycemics, discussing their clinical relevance in cases related to blood sugar and overall health.

• Address herbal safety as it relates to supporting health and wellness from the perspective of healthy blood sugar metabolism.

• Understand how to safely support health and wellness using botanicals with patients taking pharmaceutical hypoglycemic medications.

• Formulate a therapeutic botanical strategy for supporting health and wellness of those with blood sugar challenges.

Sacramento, CA

4 CE

Essential Lab Tests for Metabolic Health - 4 CE

David Hogsed, DOM, LAc

April 6, 2024 | May 4, 2024 | June 8, 2024

To Register/For More Information: Nancy Morrow

Telephone: 262-495-6364


While metabolic dysfunction indicators such as obesity and hypertensioncan give general clues of metabolic health, only blood chemistry can objectively quantifythe level of blood sugar and metabolic dysfunction. In Essential Lab Tests/EssentialNutrition for Metabolic Health, David Hogsed, L.Ac. gives a thorough overview of themost important blood tests for assessing the modern patient, and simple nutritionalsupport for supporting metabolic health and restoration.Learning


1. Inexpensive lab tests to identify metabolic dysfunction.

2. Simple nutrition for reducing sugar and carbohydrate cravings.

3. Herbal support to help address stubborn insulin resistance cases.

4. How to jump start metabolic health after dietary missteps.

Branson, MO| Lansing, MI | Emeryville, CA

4 CE

Mastering the Gut & Microbiome: The Epicenter of Health in the 21st Century

Jennifer Stagg, ND

May 4, 2024 | May 18, 2024

Register by April 4 //April 18th and receive a 20% off discount.

Registration: for May 4th Event

Registration: for the May 18th Event

Or by contacting Biotics Research at (800) 231-5777 or

Gastrointestinal conditions are one the most common complaints of patientsthat present to an integrative medical practice, so it is important for cliniciansto have an deep understanding of the core principles of GI function, as well asa current view of key pathways where GI health can be disrupted. Furthermore,GI dysfunction can not only lead to conditions and disease states within the GIsystem, but can also result in systemic disease, supporting the old adage, “alldisease begins in the gut.” Evidence now supports the critical role of gut health,especially that of the microbiome, in human disease. Knowing the most usefultesting modalities, and when to use them, is necessary to guide selection ofeffective therapeutic options to address the unique needs of each patient.Join us as we explore updates on this topic from a clinical perspective withactionable evidence-based therapies and protocols. We will include a review ofthese concepts and therapies with real world patient cases.

Windsor Locks, CT | Fort Mill, SC

8 CE

Essential Lab Tests for Metabolic Health

David Hogsed, DOM, LAc

January 13, 2024 | February 3, 2024 | March 9, 2024

To Register/For More Information: Nancy Morrow

Telephone: 262-495-6364


While metabolic dysfunction indicators such as obesity and hypertensioncan give general clues of metabolic health, only blood chemistry can objectively quantifythe level of blood sugar and metabolic dysfunction. In Essential Lab Tests/EssentialNutrition for Metabolic Health, David Hogsed, L.Ac. gives a thorough overview of themost important blood tests for assessing the modern patient, and simple nutritionalsupport for supporting metabolic health and restoration.Learning


1. Inexpensive lab tests to identify metabolic dysfunction.

2. Simple nutrition for reducing sugar and carbohydrate cravings.

3. Herbal support to help address stubborn insulin resistance cases.

4. How to jump start metabolic health after dietary missteps.

Kennesaw, GA | La Jolla, CA | Redmond, WA

6 CE

Gut and Adrenal Health: Their Role in Leaky Gut, Fatigue, Blood Sugar, and Metabolism

Bart Precourt, DC

January 13, 2024 | March 16, 2024 | April 20, 2024 | May 4, 2024 | August 10, 2024 | September 7, 2024 | October 5, 2024

To Register/For More Information: Nancy Morrow

Telephone: 262-495-6364


The goal of this seminar is to present an in-depth view of the principles and pathways of the gut brainconnection, digestive health and body stress regulating systems. This course will also identifyinflammation pathways and nutrition deficiencies that affect the human body’s ability to maintainoptimal health. Dr. Precourt will provide clinicians with the ability to correctly manage a patient’snutritional needs to meet contemporary demands and offer the practitioner protocols to interpretunderlying health and wellness issues that may arise while supporting nutritionally deficient patients.

Indianapolis, IN | Woburn, MA | Wichita, KS | Dallas, TX | Scranton, PA | Charlotte, NC | Louisville, KY

6 CE

Back to Basics: Nutrition for the Root Cause

Derek Strong, DC

February 23, 2024 | March 9, 2024

To Register/For More Information: Nancy Morrow

Telephone: 262-495-6364


This four-hour continuing education seminar will cover several nutritional topics to get to the root cause. Topics will include
physical cues to help determine nutritional status, how to identify toxins, and nutrients and herbs for supporting normal detoxification.

Dallas, TX | Arlington, VA

4 CE

Sweet Science: Mastering Blood Sugar & Insulin

Kimberly Besuden, DC

March 2, 2024 | March 16, 2024 | March 23, 2024

To Register/For More Information: Nancy Morrow

Telephone: 262-495-6364


Purpose: To provide clinicians with the ability to clinically manage a patient to reach a healthyblood sugar level. To offer the practitioner protocols to interpret underlying health and wellnessissues that may arise while supporting glucose, insulin and optimal A1c and hormonallychallenged patients that may be nutritionally deficient.Overview: To increase the doctors’ knowledge base on the positive promotion of lifestyle topatients while addressing nutritional deficiencies related to blood sugar health. Explore clinicaloptions available to provide support for the improvement of cardiometabolic health, healthyblood sugar level and healthy aging as it pertains to general health and wellness.

Riverside, CA | Oklahoma City, OK | Knoxville, TN

6 CE


Dr. Devaki Berkson

April 6, 2024

You can also register by contacting Biotics Research at
(800) 231-5777 or

In a culture that perceives aging as synonymous with fragility, this seminar offers a deep dive into the
realm of hormonal health – a vital element in keeping patients resilient and extending longevity.
Join Dr. Berkson as she dispels common misconceptions surrounding hormones, including myths
about estrogen, and gain insight into science-based strategies that result in robust longevity.
Dr. Berkson’s recent and widely-discussed rebuttal regarding the misconceptions around estrogen, a
discussion that has gained viral social media status. As a result, the debate has captured the attention
of numerous OBGYN professionals who are eager to learn more.
Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the secrets of hormones, and of living a longer and more vibrant

• Learn estrogen’s vindication with the 19 year analysis of WHI.
• Learn about the not known 7 million NIH study: the largest study ever run on hormones by our
own NIH and Medical Library of Congress.
• Identify hormonal signaling, receptor functionality and diverse receptors and functions such as
estrogen receptor alpha (the bad estrogen dominance) vs. estrogen receptor beta (the good
estrogen dominance).
• Identify specific nutrients that shorten or lengthen hormone signaling time.
• Discover the role of hormones in gut health and healing intestinal hyperpermeability (leaky
gut) and the role of hormones in biome and gut immunity health (SIGA).
• Understand how to track healthy hormones as we age, and the emergent role of FSH.
• Understand what endocrine disruption is, what it is doing to our hormones, children, brain,
obesity epidemic, and how to protect our patients.
• Learn evidence-based nutritional protocols.

Indianapolis, IN

8 CE


Dr. Devaki Berkson

November 9 2024

You can also register by contacting Biotics Research at
(800) 231-5777 or

In a culture that perceives aging as synonymous with fragility, this seminar offers a deep dive into the
realm of hormonal health – a vital element in keeping patients resilient and extending longevity.
Join Dr. Berkson as she dispels common misconceptions surrounding hormones, including myths
about estrogen, and gain insight into science-based strategies that result in robust longevity.
Dr. Berkson’s recent and widely-discussed rebuttal regarding the misconceptions around estrogen, a
discussion that has gained viral social media status. As a result, the debate has captured the attention
of numerous OBGYN professionals who are eager to learn more.
Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the secrets of hormones, and of living a longer and more vibrant

• Learn estrogen’s vindication with the 19 year analysis of WHI.
• Learn about the not known 7 million NIH study: the largest study ever run on hormones by our
own NIH and Medical Library of Congress.
• Identify hormonal signaling, receptor functionality and diverse receptors and functions such as
estrogen receptor alpha (the bad estrogen dominance) vs. estrogen receptor beta (the good
estrogen dominance).
• Identify specific nutrients that shorten or lengthen hormone signaling time.
• Discover the role of hormones in gut health and healing intestinal hyperpermeability (leaky
gut) and the role of hormones in biome and gut immunity health (SIGA).
• Understand how to track healthy hormones as we age, and the emergent role of FSH.
• Understand what endocrine disruption is, what it is doing to our hormones, children, brain,
obesity epidemic, and how to protect our patients.
• Learn evidence-based nutritional protocols.

Columbus, OH

8 CE

Your Infectious Personality - Rethinking Mood Disorder Treatments & Infection Links

Brett Wisniewski, DC, MS, DABCI, DACBN

March 16, 2024


You can also register by contacting Biotics Research at (800) 231-5777 or

Mood disorders such as anxiety and depression are the leading causes of disability globally,highlighting the urgency for more effective diagnosis and treatment methods. Traditionalpharmacological treatments such as SSRIs and SNRIs, while widely used, often come withsignificant drawbacks, including severe side effects. This leaves a gap in treatment options formany patients, particularly when considering natural and pharmaceutical alternatives.This seminar will also highlight the role that infections might play in the pathogenesis ofdifferent mood disorders. Dr. Wisniewski will cover how some viruses directly infect the centralnervous system, and how other microbes might indirectly influence nervous system functions.Join Dr. Wisniewski as he delves deeper into these topics from a molecular perspective andoffers clinical actionable therapies and protocols with real world patient cases.Program Goals/Objectives: At the end of the seminar, healthcare professional attendees willhave a detailed understanding of:

● An understanding of the immune system and impact of infections● Pathways involved in mood disorders and how infections can manipulate them

● The proper tests to run for those with mood disorders.

● Basic principles that may apply to many other conditions such as Alzheimer’s,Parkinson’s, and MS

Walnut Creek, CA

8 Hours

The 4-Point Patient Success Model: Strategies to Establish Your Local Health Authority

William Hemmer, DC

March 9, 2024 | April 20, 2024 | May 11, 2024 | August 3, 2024 | September 7, 2024 | October 5, 2024 | October 19, 2024

To Register/For More Information: Nancy MorrowTelephone: 262-495-6364Email:

Goal: Using the foundational approach of spaced repetition, this seminar providesseasonal solutions for frustrated and confused patients ready to escape our currenthealth care system by building a healthy lifestyle with whole food nutritional support.This approach positions you as the trusted healthy lifestyle authority in your community.Objectives:1. To present the problems and obstacles of building and maintaining a healthylifestyle in today’s environment2. To provide an understanding of how the degradation of our healthy lifestyle hasleads to metabolic and systemic processes of the human body being disruptedleading to disease.3. To provide an easy-to-understand pre-educational system to promote andsupport whole food nutrition, increased health awareness and proper physicalhealth.4. To understand all components of health for a ‘whole person’ perspectiveOutcomes:By the end of the day, you will confidently recommend nutritional solutions by buildinga healthy lifestyle without changing anything you are currently doing in your practice.

Livonia, MI Scottsdale, AZ | Bloomington, MN | Camp Hill, PA | West Des Moines, IA | Greenville, SC | Northbrook, IL

4 CE


Dr. Devaki Berkson

January 27, 2024


You can also register by contacting Biotics Research at
(800) 231-5777 or

This seminar is designed to teach healthcare professionals about the “bigger picture” of hormones and health.
Hormones signal and oversee the entire digestive tract, brain, kidneys, vocal chords, lungs, biome integrity, gut
wall integrity, autoimmunity, and are even critical in resistant weight issues.
Hormone health and balance cannot be completely understood by testing blood, saliva, and urine levels. This is
because (1) hormones depend on “receptor functionality”, which depends on food choices, digestion, specific
nutrients, lifestyle, and evidence-based nutritional supplements, and (2) the reality of endocrinology vs.
Program Goals/Objectives: At the end of the seminar, healthcare professional attendees will have a detailed
understanding of:
● Learn estrogen's vindication with the 19 year analysis of WHI
● Identification of hormonal signaling, receptor functionality and diverse receptors and functions such as
estrogen receptor alpha (the bad estrogen dominance) vs. estrogen receptor beta (the good estrogen
● Identification of specific nutrients that shorten or lengthen hormone signaling time
● Role of hormones in gut heath and healing intestinal hyperpermeability (leaky gut) and the role of
hormones in biome and gut immunity health (SIGA)
● How to track healthy hormones as we age and the emergent role of FSH.
● What is endocrine disruption, what is it doing to our hormones, children, brain, obesity epidemic, and
how to protect our patients.
● Evidence-based nutritional protocols

Novi, MI

8 CE

Foundations for Herbal Support

Marisa Marciano, B. Kin, ND, RH (AHG)

1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024

This 10 module, 3 part course is designed to instruct healthcare practitioners from various backgrounds on how to begin to practically integrate the benefits of herbal support in a clinical context. Emphasis is placed on developing a systematic understanding of herbal terminology (e.g. actions & constituents) and therapeutic principles from a Western Herbalism perspective using an evidence-based approach to plant pharmacology and medicinal applications. Herbal Materia Medica will be explored using a holistic and approach to body systems (e.g. digestive, neuroendocrine, immune, musculoskeletal) and pathophysiology (e.g. inflammation). with an emphasis on developing strong rationale for clinical uses while taking an individual and customized approach to each patient. Upon completion of this course the practitioner will have developed the ability to understand fundamental herbal terminology as well as the safe and effective use of a variety of botanicals for common health conditions based on a thorough understanding of a plant’s best available evidence, traditional medicinal actions, pharmacology, and ideal route of administration.

For more information contact: Wholistic Matters website: www.WholisticMatters.comor

Nancy Morrow, 262-495-6364,


Online - 10 Hrs.

Cognition Health

Marlene Merritt, DOM, Will Mitchell, DOM

1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024

"This 3-module, 3-part focuses on defining brain physiology:
• What builds the brain
• Learn about Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and what specifically impacts it
• Review the latest literature as it relates to brain health and cognition
• Understand the role of nutrition and herbs in brain health

For more information contact: Wholistic Matters website: www.WholisticMatters.comor

Nancy Morrow, 262-495-6364,


3 Hrs

Nutrition to Support Neuroinflammation

Christopher Bump, DC

1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024

Chronic inflammation is associated with all degenerative disease processes including but not limited to Type II diabetes, heart disease, obesity, hypertension, arthritis, cancer, chronic pain, autoimmunity and Alzheimer's. Therefore exploring the innumerable triggers which initiate the inflammatory process is essential for the clinician, when assessing patient need and recommending therapeutics. What is often overlooked is how the nervous system plays an integral part in the inflammatory process. The central, autonomic and enteric nervous systems are intimately involved in the process leading to development of neuro-inflammation. But too, the nervous system is affected by chronic, unresolved inflammation. In this lecture Dr. Bump will describe the process of chronic inflammation, its antecedents, its triggers and its manifestations in various pathologies including those with structural manifestations often seen in the Chiropractic clinic. He will discuss some of the numerous causes including diet and life-style, stress, nutrient deficiencies, microbial infections, oxidative stress, structural imbalances and environmental issues. He will review the various diagnostics available for assessment and offer clinical insight into numerous therapeutics including nutrition, diet, and lifestyle.

Learning Objectives
1. Gain an understanding of the chronic inflammatory conditions in patients that present in the
chiropractic practice.
2. Review of the immune system, intracellular messaging and other physiologic pathways involved in
inflammatory and neuro-inflammatory response.
3. Describe the process of resolution in the inflammatory process
4. Clinical application of how to assess chronic neuro-inflammation and provide therapeutic
interventions with diet, nutrient and life-style modifications.
5. Become familiar with concept and clinical application of neuro-inflammation.

Standard Process Wholistic Matters website:

For more information contact: Wholistic Matters website: www.WholisticMatters.comor

Nancy Morrow, 262-495-6364,


3 Hrs.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Stephen Durrell, MTOM, LAc Heather Peterman, DAOM, LAc

1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024

In this module, we will describe the differences of tonics, adaptogens, and adrenal modulators and
how to identify their need in patients.
Specifically, we will cover:
Basic knowledge of Chinese Internal Medicine theory
Learn the roles of tonics, adaptogens and adrenal modulators.
Potential ways Qi deficiency and Blood Stasis presents itself clinically and what herbs can be used for support.
Discuss the differences in symptoms and herbal support for Kidney Yang deficiency and Kidney Yin deficiency, in
supporting overall health.

For more information contact: Wholistic Matters website: www.WholisticMatters.comor

Nancy Morrow, 262-495-6364,


2 CE

Sports Nutrition with a Nutritional-Based Focus for Healthcare Practitioners

Ryan Lazarus, DC Kristine Polley, PhD

1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024

For more information contact: Wholistic Matters website: www.WholisticMatters.comor

Nancy Morrow, 262-495-6364,

This 6 module course is designed to instruct healthcare practitioners from variousbackgrounds on how to begin to practically integrate the benefits of sports nutritional ina clinical context. The modules focus on a sports approach, including optimizing athleterecovery from injury, prevention of future injuries, and enhancing athlete performance.Emphasis is placed on how to support the health of an athlete and how to identifynutritional deficiencies in athletes that may lead to impaired recovery, training, andperformance. Key nutrients will be identified that may support enhanced recovery andtraining response, and optimize performance in order to provide the best athlete-patientcare. Upon completion of this course, the practitioner will have developed the ability toidentify potential gaps in athlete’s nutritional care and have an understanding of theroles nutrition plays in different phases of training for athletes.


6 CE

Functional Medicine University

Dr. Ron Grisanti

1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

Modules are available for ACBN continuing education through FMU. Functional Medicine University is nationally recognized as a leader in functional medicine education for the health care professional and CEUs and certificates of completion are provided by Southern California University of Health Sciences FMU provides a comprehensive approach to the study of functional medicine. FMU's focus is to ensure that students of the Functional Medicine Training Program have met the standards set forth within both the health care and private sectors.

For more information: 877-328-4035 or


12 CE


Mahmoud Ghannoum, PhD

1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024

Standard Process Wholistic Matters website: www.WholisticMatters.comThis 3 module, 3-part focuses on defining the microbiome. Specifics covered are recent advances inNext Generation Sequencing, which ushered an explosion of research into the communities of micro-organisms living in our bodies. Learn the identity of the microbiomes that reside in our body and theassociations and correlations between the microbiome and digestive/non-digestive issues and diseases.Also learn rebalancing the microbiome to promote human health and combat disease.

Standard Process Wholistic Matters website:

For more information contact: Wholistic Matters website: www.WholisticMatters.comor

Nancy Morrow, 262-495-6364,


3 Hours

Functional Nutrition

Ryan Lazarus, MS, CNS, DC

1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024

For more information contact: Wholistic Matters website: www.WholisticMatters.comor

Nancy Morrow, 262-495-6364,

Modules include: Fundamentals of Functional Nutrition I (PFC-MVP)Fundamentals of Functional Nutrition II (PFC-MVP)Functional Nutrition Operating SystemEnergy - Mitochondria MetabolismDefend & Repair - Immune Health, InflammationBiotransformation – Detoxification & EliminationAssimilation – Microbiome, Digestion & AbsorptionStructural Integrity – Physical Performance and RecoveryCommunication – HPATG Axis, Hormones, NeurotransmittersPractitioner Implementation Strategies – Psychology of Eating


10 Hrs.

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